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Wednesday Writes - Week of Oct. 21, 20

Woo hoo - we're on our second Wednesday Writes! Here's what happened at our most recent meeting. Remember to drop me an email if you're interested in joining - the next one takes place Wed. Nov. 4th and I have a feeling we'll have a lot to talk about. Mark your calendars! In the meantime, enjoy the wrap-up:

Thank you for participating in this week's Wednesday Writes!

Here's what happened on WED OCT 21ST: 1. Loved it?! Be sure to mark your calendar for WED NOV 4TH to join us again! (I have a feeling we'll have a lot to write about!) 2. Your inspirational reading was from Walking On Alligators, by Susan Shaugnessy* (pg. 117): "We deal in words. But sometimes our inspiration comes in pictures instead. The unconscious seems to be more visual than verbal. It's a paradox of writing. We use letters across a page to sketch vibrant pictures for our readers to see. No persisted image should be ignored, especially if it touches you. A recurrent dream, image, a childhood memory, something you've seen in a painting or film and responded deeply to - make a note of it in your journal. Add a little sketch. Never mind if you "can't draw." Your unconscious doesn't care. Add some color with pens or crayons and make it your own. These incubating images burst forth, sometimes years later, in writing that you alone can deeply, successfully write. Today, I'll treasure the images that have haunted me. I will begin to pay attention to them."  (*Only $5.95 at Powell's! Support our beloved local bookstore and your writing practice. Win, win!)

3. Our writing prompts were a choice between: a. Your favorite trip: that can be physical or mental! b. Your favorite dream: from traditional sleep or a goal.  4. Here's your fun follow-up "homework": It doesn't matter what age you are, a fresh box of crayons totally rocks! Treat yourself to some and play with the inspiration from the reading above. Let that image come to life! Connect in a new way and see where your mind leads you. And soon, the page will follow. 

5. A fun resource for you: As promised, I'll share the FREE resources I've been enjoying on this crazy writing journey, in hopes that these can help you too! This week I want to highlight a specific course within Reedsy Learning called "Stop Procrastinating! Build a Rock Solid Writing Routine." It's a free (yes, FREE) 10-day course, with emails delivered to your inbox each morning. I've taken it before and honestly might do it again. Taught by the team of Bec and Chris over at Prolifiko, it's an upbeat session that focuses on positive, concrete motivational techniques. It's the perfect tonic for fall. We might be stuck inside, between the rain and that dreaded "second surge," but you can set yourself up for success with a focused writing practice and make good use of the time at hand. 6. Please consider: It's an overwhelming world we live in. Here's a way to feed your soul, while helping feed others. This week, take a look at this list of Black-Owned Eateries in Portland. So many businesses have been affected by COVID, and that's sadly not going to end any time soon. One of the hardest hit has been the service and restaurant industry. Please consider ordering some (safe, socially distanced) takeout from these delicious places in our community. Let's keep the doors open, the lights on, and bellies full! (Be sure to call ahead - hours and days may vary.) Thank you for your time - here's to happy reading and writing! Hope to see you next session! (That would be WED NOV 4TH.) Speaking of: VOTE! Make a plan to vote early! Let's have something to smile about when we see each other next.  xo, Jenna


I'd love to hear from you - drop me a line!

Thanks for getting in touch - you'll be hearing from me soon! xo

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