A brief little nugget, inspired by a prompt from my writing group: "What requires attention?"
What requires attention? I think it’s safer to list what doesn’t require attention. On the daily, “Holy crap, what’s wrong with me I’ll never get all of this done” list include:
My health, my diet, my body, my workout
My journal, my goals, my career, my writing, my blog upkeep
My home, my chores, my yardwork
My friends, my family, my love of volunteering
My cat! Did I scoop the litter box today? Yes, we’ve got an automatic feeder, but is there food in it?
Crap, where did I put my to-do list? And what’s the point of having a list if I can’t find it?
Shit, I found it and now I wish I could un-find it.
Oh, no – I am due for a new driver’s license. Note to self: try to lose 20 pounds by next week.
Argh, argh, argh!
Wait. There’s my couch. The oasis. I take the remote into my hand like a lover. A Real Housewives marathon. Anything Bravo. God, yes. Now I can breathe.